Saturday, 14 February 2015


AR Walk 10: Aylesbury Canel near Puttenham - Sunday 8 February 2015

 This was a beautiful Sunday afternoon stroll to collect a few caches whilst walking along the canal... Or that was the aim! In reality the path was so slippy and slidey that the pushchair nearly slid into the water several times so we had to abort and go home for hot chocolate and a film!

The colours were amazing and the canal was still frozen over so we watched a bemused duck walking along trying to find some water.

We managed to pick up one cache, AR01 Mandarin - Canalside Multi, which required collecting clues from near the bridge to work out the final location of the cache. I had hoped to make it further along to collect AR02, AR03 and AR04 but it was not to be.
Walking on the water

Walk 10
Date: Sunday 8 February 2015
From: Puttenham Bridge on the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal
To: not very far!
Distance: 0.78 miles
Total Ascent: 39ft
Route Description: Footpath next to canal
Duration: 40 minutes
Ave Speed: 1.2mph
Weather: Cold and sunny
Region: Buckinghamshire
Walking With: Steve, Ginger Nut and Pip
Path: Aylesbury Ring

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