AR Walk 9: Great Kimble - Monday 2 February 2015
Once I made it off the road there was a long field section. As the temperature was subzero (car thermometer registered -2oC) the mud was frozen solid making it pretty easy for the pushchair. Kissing gates and stairs were what foiled us though!
Although we were unable to make it any further, I was pleased to pick up another cache this side of the railway. AR14 Porchard - Off the Rails was another easy find though I had to be careful as there was a lady walking her dog near by (known as Doggles in the caching world!).
On the return leg (one of the disadvantages of doing this walk alone) I stopped off in Great Kimble church to gather information for another Church Micro. While I was wandering around the church I noticed some beautiful snowdrops poking up... Such a delicate flower!
Most of the information was gathered, though I will have to look for some on-line as the rain obscured some vital details. I'll return to pick up the final cache another day.
Walk 9
Date: Monday 2 February 2015
From: Little Kimble All Saints Church
To: Railway line
Distance: 2 miles
Total Ascent: 72ft
Route Description: Footpath next to road, fields
Duration: 1 hour
Ave Speed: 1.8mph
Weather: Cold and sunny (-2oC)
Region: Buckinghamshire
Walking With: Pip
Path: Aylesbury Ring
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